Non-Surgical and Surgical Treatment of
Gum Diseases

Our office offers an array of both non surgical and surgical treatment of gum diseases. Dr. Farbman uses surgical telescopic lenses which enable him to use smaller, less invasive surgical incisions. This leads to much easier post operative recovery and faster healing.

Our surgical and non-surgical services include:

Scaling and Root Planning
The removal of hard and soft deposits from the teeth and roots of teeth. This includes bacterial plaque (germs) and the toxins they produce and the mineralized form of plaque called calculus (tartar). It is these deposits that cause irritation and infection of the gums and bone loss around the teeth. Scaling and Root Planing is a very technique sensitive procedure that uses a combination of sonic, ultrasonic, and hand instruments.

Chemotherapeutic Irrigation
This is the direct delivery of an antibacterial or antimicrobial solution into an infected area. This procedure is often done in conjunction with scaling and root planing.

Direct Delivery of Antibiotics
This is the direct delivery of an antibacterial or antimicrobial solution into an infected area. This procedure is often done in conjunction with scaling and root planing.

Bone Grafting/Tissue Regeneration
This surgical procedure replaces bone that has been lost around the teeth as a result of advancing gum disease. Various types of bone grafting materials are used from synthetically derived bone to collagen-type materials to the patients own bone. Often a "membrane" of some type is used to help contain the graft within the prepared bone site and help the graft to heal properly.

Gum Grafting
A surgical procedure designed to add protective gum around the root of a tooth. Protective gum is often lost as a result of recession of the gum or trauma. Most often, the protective gum used for the graft is taken from another area of the patients own mouth where the protective-type gum is abundant. The graft heals, the area will continually maintain the new protective gum. Gum grafts are very predictable and usually need to be done only once.

Root Coverage Procedures
These types of gum grafts are designed to cover the roots of teeth that have been exposed due to recession or trauma. These procedures are often done as cosmetic procedures in areas of esthetic concern.

Crown Lengthening
This surgical procedure is designed to assist your restorative dentist in getting a restoration (cap or filling) to properly fit your tooth. When decay or tooth fracture goes beneath the gum line your dentist may require that more tooth structure be exposed surgically so that he or she may properly restore the tooth.

Supportive Periodontal Care (Periodontal Cleanings)
Once your gums have been brought back to health it is imperative that a maintenance schedule be designed to fit your needs. Typically your teeth will be cleaned, scaled, and polished every three months. Three month intervals help keep the plaque levels around the gums minimal and thus significantly reduces your risk of re-infection. Maintenance is the key to successful treatment.

Dental Implants
The process for dental implant placement is quite simple. After x-rays have determined the size and location, a gentle surgical procedure allows for implant placement, which remains undisturbed for 2-5 months.

Cosmetic Periodontal Plastic Surgery
A large percentage of our practice is devoted to cosmetic periodontal surgery. This type of surgery consists of cosmetically enhancing the gums(gingiva) and/or jaw bone to create a more pleasing smile. Much of this work is done in conjunction with cosmetic dentistry to create the "perfect" smile.

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